Public Meeting 23rd August, 7pm

What are you doing at 7pm next Tuesday evening? You can help shape the future of Hade Edge.

As you’re probably aware the Jones Homes planning application for 66 houses on Dunford Road had gone live and individuals have 21 days to object.

Please come down to the Hade Edge Football club to

  • Get an update on progress so far
  • See details of options for objecting
  • Get clarification on what happens next

The HEFF (Hade Edge Fight for the Fields) committee have put a lot of work in up to now and we’re now asking for the village to come together and beat this. We genuinely think that Hade Edge has some unique points that give us a chance of winning.


Enlisting the help of friends and family

As well as a detailed and official planning objection, it’s a good idea to enlist (beg for?) the help of friends and family to add weight to our arguments. Though not always a deciding factor the number and quality of individual objections will add weight – so every little helps.

It’s better if the objections are worded personally, but here’s an example of a request to send out to your circle of friends explaining what the situation is, etc.


Hi (Friend)

As you know we’re in a bit of a pickle in our village – if you could help us that’d really be appreciated… (intro tailored to suit friend!!!!)
You may be aware that Kirklees planning is in a bit of a state at the moment. According to their figures they have a shortfall of available housing land ‘borough wide’ stating that they only have 2.45 years worth of the required 5 years.

(According to Cllr Charles Greaves parts of the Holme Valley areas has 7+ years availability, but this does not factor in the way the requirements are applied to the wider Kirklees area.)

The Kirklees Local Plan that should have been adopted by now identified certain green field land as not to be developed until at least 2031. One of these tracts is in our small village of Hade Edge (Currently Hade Edge has apporximately 175 houses). The first phase, if approved, will increase the size of the village by 66 houses, with a doubling of the village if the whole plot is developed.

Because of the alleged ‘shortfall’ these pieces of land are being targeted by opportunistic profiteering national developers with no stake in the countryside or the community, aiming to maximise the ‘roof count’ despite the impact on our village. We contest that the development would not be sustainable on a number of levels – a key requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework.

I am asking you to add your opposition to the development by commenting on the Kirklees website or writing a letter. We have put together some pointers on what we think are the best things to mention in an objection to this ‘outline application’ here.

You can see the application and object by commenting online on the Kirklees website here. Separate objections per person are allowed – so please ask others that know and love Hade Edge to comment too!

Thanks in advance for your support.

Planning Application is now LIVE

It has come to our attention that the planning application is now live on the Kirklees website:

The case officer is Louise Bearcroft.


We will be convening a public meeting as soon as we can. We are asking as many people as possible to object, and also engaging with professionals to put the best possible objection together.

We intend to help as many people object as possible in the most effective way – please keep in touch for updates. Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Dunford Road Development – Things are about to start happening

Thanks for your interest in the proposed development by Jones Homes at Dunford Road, Hade Edge. You may or may not be aware, there has been a lot of activity since the first public meeting at the Hade Edge Football Club on 14 June, mainly around gearing up for an objection to a proposed planning application.

The Working Group

An official working group was formed after the public meeting – the group meets weekly, but up until recently it wasn’t actually definite that an application had been submitted. (It is now). In preparation, we have been busy with the following:

Parish Council Planning Committee

We have attended two Parish Council planning meetings to get this application onto the local agenda and make sure the local representatives are aware of the strength of opinion.

The Village Gala

We had an ‘Information Desk’ stand at the Gala on 9 July, this was well attended, 100+ people signed a petition opposing development of the fields at Dunford Road.  Our local MP Jason McCartney is on fully on board as you can see from this image.

Background Research and Making Connections

The Group has conducted extensive research into Council policy and other planning decisions which may have some relevance to our situation.  We have also been accumulating knowledge of other matters which we hope will make an impact on the planning decision.

The Group has met a number of other local interest groups who may be able to offer us some support and whose experience may be helpful to us.

Professional Help

All in the ‘working group’ are very enthusiastic and energetic – but we are laymen – and we only get one shot at this. To this end we have approached a planning consultant and solicitor and have them lined up to advise on an objection. We believe it is important that no stone is left unturned and that an objection is best made with professional advice.  

The Official Status According to Kirklees

Last week a small representation met Council Officers and as a result have a clearer view of where Jones Homes planning application has got to:

  • A planning application for 66 dwellings has been submitted but has not been validated. (‘Validated’ means that all necessary information has been submitted sufficient for Kirklees to put the application ‘live’’).
  • Kirklees Officers expect to have validated the application in approximately 2 weeks time
  • This means that the application will be live on the Kirklees website and planning notices will be posted in the vicinity, we estimate, by mid August.

There Will be a Limited Time to Object

As soon as the application goes live we will be holding another public meeting with the following purpose:

  • To review the current status of the application and the campaign so far.
  • To outline to everyone the key points that should form an effective objection – that can be made by the group, by local residents and any interested parties.
  • To show how we intend to help, guide and support everyone who wants to make an objection.

Once the application goes live, the ‘statutory period’ for objections to be submitted is 21 days so the clock is ticking. We may be able to get an extension to this in order to prepare our case – but we should be all prepared to act fast.

For any further information please make sure you leave your details here  – or please get in touch at

As a result of engaging professional help, it’s inevitable that costs are going to be incurred. We’d be delighted to hear from anyone who can help us raise funds to try and protect our village.


Hade Edge Gala

We’re planning to have a presence at the Hade Edge Gala at the football field on the 9th of July.

We’ll be providing updates, advice and detailed information on the status of our campaign there. Don’t forget to call in and lend your support.


We will be keeping people up to date via SMS, email and phone. If you haven’t already PLEASE add your details by clicking here.

Holme Valley Parish Council Planning Committee meeting 27/6/2016

A visit was made to the HVPC Planning Committee meeting on 27th June 2016. Although the planning application has not yet appeared on the Kirklees website, we want to keep the councillors aware of our plight. We delivered short representations about the likely impact on our village – an unsustainable increase in size if this development is allowed to proceed.

Verbal and visual representations (satellite views with developments superimposed) were made and were duly received by the councillors. Digital copies were subsequently distributed to councillors.

A report was made to the committee by Tim Walshaw about the public meeting that had taken place; again this was received with interest by the councillors.

Whatever happens with the formal planning application, the intention is to keep the councillors in the loop and keep a dialogue going.

Just how big could this development be?

As an illustration, we’ve prepared a graphic (below) which shows the full potential scale of the development if the entire extent of the ‘safeguarded’ land is built on with the same housing density. We think there would be approximately 175 homes – this would increase the size of the core village by about double.

This development changes the dynamic of the whole village and changes the rural landscape forever.


We will be keeping people up to date via SMS, email and phone. If you haven’t already PLEASE add your details by clicking here.


3 hade edge - proposed dev applied to extent of safeguarded



VIllage Meeting 14 June 2016

Thanks to all who attended the meeting at Hade Edge football clubhouse on the 14th to discuss the proposed plan to build on green field land next to Dunford Road. The place has never been as full, with people unable to fit in the main room and having to listen from the corridor.

An presentation was given to bring people up to speed, then a lively debate was had over a multitude of issues.

We will be keeping people up to date via SMS, email and phone. If you haven’t already PLEASE add your details by clicking here.

Things will be happening fast and we’ll keep you in touch.

This site will be updated with tips for opposing the development, and advice on when and who to contact.





hade edge Village meeting 14 June 2016 overflowing

Tips for objecting to the planning application

As part of putting the best fight possible we have taken advice from a lot of experienced parties, and given that the application is outline only, we have listed below a few key points that we understand will carry the most weight in your objections.

Updated 15/8/2016 14:00

At this stage, opposing any things such as the finishes or the detail of the plans is irrelevant; though you may want to add any points that impact you personally as you see fit, e.g School places, etc etc.

We feel as a group that an ideal opposition letter/submission should contain the following points (expressed in your own words).

  • The development would have a substantial negative impact on the character and amenity of the village (this is the “swamping” issue for our small village and the impact would be greater if the whole of the safeguarded site is developed).
  •  The site is in an unsustainable location in transport terms (i.e. there are very few facilities within an acceptable walking distance and poor public transport). This effectively means that every home will need at least one car – which flies in the face of any sort of goals for reducing transport related congestion, delays and C02. Quite apart from being about as far as possible from A&E, etc as it could be.
  • The services in the village (drainage etc) will not cope with this development (the applicant has not explained how surface water drainage for example will be dealt with).
  • There is a potential highway safety issue from increased traffic turning right into the village at the top of Dunford Road as forward visibility is poor (this would be made worse if the whole of the safeguarded land is developed).

In some of the supporting documents that the developer has submitted, developing the whole of the ‘safeguarded land’ is referred to – so it’s worth contesting the fact that the application doesn’t address the impacts of this happening.

Remember – Objections are per person so you can make more than one objection per household.

You don’t have to be a resident – so getting your friends and family to object in their own words is valid. Ask as many ask you can to object!

You can see the planning application and start an objection by clicking here.
The window for objections currently closes on Friday 7th September so time is of the essence.



Also, please add your details to this list  to be kept in touch by email and SMS. We may need to mobilise IN NUMBERS quickly to attend site visits, meetings etc at short notice so feel that text message is probably the best way to do this. You won’t be spammed. If you wish to be removed from the list email